I realize that time has been my arch-enemy of late, and it's like watching water down a drain...not sure where the water goes, but I know it eventually evaporates.
If anything, my visions have just been honing themselves, as I've tried photographing high-end knives:

I've taken a few trips out with the camera, but mainly, I've gotten one of those prized "iPhones" that people will beat you up to own. They definitely live up to the hype in a lot of ways, but I think they should have an app for bringing breakfast in bed. Or finding your car, when you can't remember where you parked it! I didn't think I'd become a cell phone photographer, and with such a wide angle and only 3MP, it's laughable, as the images are really only worthy of being posted online, or at best 4x6" images. Here's a few highlights:
I think quality is definitely something that can't be compromised when it comes to imagery, however, when you're trying to convey a moment, it could be blurry, grainy, distorted, or whathaveyou, and it wouldn't matter. Essence always trumps.
The digital age has made all of us a photographer. I'd like to think that all my studying has given me an edge, but I've seen some exquisite photography by people who have no concept of how light works through a little medium called a camera. Beauty always lies in the beholder, I say. It doesn't matter if you haven't harnessed the craft of an artform, if you're able to express it, in a way that moves someone, then it becomes art.
There is definitely something to be said for sharpness and high res images....where you can see every pore on someones skin (notice that those pores have been glossed over in Photoshop by the professionals who deal in fashion photography, or any images you see in magazine advertising!). I used to always love shooting black & white at 3200 ISO, because it created a dreamy graininess. I thought sharpness was overrated. I think that focus and detail are important to conveying your message.
Ah, well, time has again gotten the upper hand, and I must resume floating down the rushing river...thanks for visiting my mind and soul...